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Welcome to ManaIAS - the Life RiparIAS decision support tool

ManaIAS is an online system aiming to guide managers and decision makers involved in decision making processes on invasive alien species management. This tool has been developed as part of the Life RIPARIAS project - Reaching Integrated and Prompt Response to Invasive Alien Species.

The version currently available is ManaIAS V1.1.0

Create a project to: Prioritize species This module allows the prioritisation of species to be managed in an area of interest. Prioritize areas This module allows the identification of priority areas to be managed for an individual species or for a selection of species. Open an existing project: Your projects Identify species management techniques: Management techniques This page will present you the best management practice guides that were produced as part of the RiparIAS project.

Welcome to ManaIAS - the Life RiparIAS decision support tool

Your device does not meet ManaIAS’ minimum technical requirements.

ManaIAS was designed to work on devices which screen has a minimal width of 1280 pixels.
Please try accessing it using a laptop or desktop computer.